Kay Wensley Yoga

Individual Yoga Lessons


For self-enquiry and exploration, for therapy or recovery

Regular individual tuition is aimed at developing a personal home practice which is designed to meet a person's specific interests and needs. Yoga can be used:

One-to-one tuition offers an alternative for those who can't commit to a weekly class, or who have specific needs that cannot be addressed in a group situation. Individual teaching can also help to deepen your study of yoga.

Individual Tuition Fees


Following initial consultation, sessions last up to 60 minutes and are as frequent as required. Depending on the reasons for individual tuition, once home practice is established, this is usually monthly.

If more frequent sessions are required, if appropriate, half-sessions may be used to alternate with full sessions.

Appointments may be rebooked if more than 48 hours notice. Appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will be charged at the full rate.